Saturday, September 8, 2007

ask yourself

I played the song What? by Tribe Called Quest for my students and asked them to come up with their own what lists. Here are some of mine.

what’s a white girl like me who happens to like the Tribe?
what’s the point of music if you neglect the vibe?
what's a Tribe album without a funky beat?
what's the fun in dancing if their aren't four feet?
what is the tango without the sex?
what's the chance you'll have it if you don't learn the steps?
Q: what's bill clinton without hillary?
A: what's the definition of: reciprocity.
what is a bong if it hasn't got the water?
what is a writer if she hasn't got the fodder?
every woman alive is another woman's daughter
What's Today without Matt Lauer?
what's Sarah Silverman without a little raunch?
what is the seashell if not the conch?
what's a fat man without a double-chin?
what's Tom Collins without the gin?
what's Maroon 5 without Adam Levine?
what's The Color Purple without the final scene?
(you know, when the family finally reunites)
what is Alice Walker without a pen to write?
what's SNL without Lorne Michaels?
what's RAGBRAI without bicycles?
what's Los Angeles without film sets?
(not to mention big money, big houses, big breasts)
what is the x-files without conspiracy?
what's sexual tension without Duchoveny?
what happens to Charlotte if you take her web away?
what’s the first amendment if we don’t have equal say?
what good is a story if it doesn’t have an ending?
why break a rule when there’s room for bending?
what is a smoothie without the blender blades?
what’s a BLT without the mayonnaise?
what’s an education without putting in the work?
what’s a grocery store without a clerk?
what’s a PhD without a plaque on the wall?
what’s a base jump without a free-fall?
what is a what if you don't care to know?
the quest for knowledge should reside in the soul.

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