Saturday, September 22, 2007

can't blog now

Why? Why can't I blog now? Simple. I have a short list of very important tasks to complete by tomorrow morning.

First important task: Watch the Hawks beat Wisconsin on abc PrimeTime Football. Go Hawks.
Second important task: Finish creating my ADORABLE Grammar Guide newsletter for my Comp students. This issue (Vol. 1, Issue 1) is all about the comma. The title of my ADORABLE newsletter is ComPost...get it? Comp as in Composition and Post as in The Washington Post put together creates ComPost as in shit.
Next important task: Wash my sheets. And not because of sex. Just because it's time for a wash.
Fourth important task: Clean up my quasi-adorable apartment for Emily, Dan & Chad who are coming to visit me tomorrow! Yay! I'm so excited to see people who are normal and whom I love!

Yes, it's Saturday night and I'm not at Boomtown or the What's Up? Lounge "getting my party on." This is partly to do with the important task list, but mostly to do with how I spent my day today. I left quasi-adorable apartment around 9:40. I sat outside at the fountain until the library opened up at 10:00, spent the next eight hours downstairs at a work station, then left the library when the librarian kicked me out because the library closes at 6:00 on Saturdays and I was so engrossed in my ComPost that I had lost all track of time.

These are the reasons I'm not blogging now.

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