Friday, March 14, 2008

mom's dream

Opened up this email in the library today. Laughed out loud. Thrice. Got sideways looks from a few folks.

Hi Punkee,
This is what's going on around here. I had just woken up from a nightmare that you and I were kidnapped and held as hostages, except that you were a little boy and we were being held in my Grandparent's house and I actually had a small hand gun in my pocket that the perps didn't know about and I had just called the police to report our situation and the po-po had just pulled up to rescue us even though I think I could have handled the situation, when our actual phone rang at 6:00am and it was the actual DBQ police calling. The officer was wondering why our Jeep (even though we had registered it in Emily's name) was sitting in the middle of Park street. We suggested he ask Emily. He proceeded to knock on her door to inquire. It seems that the car rolled from its parking place and ended up where it did. #!**
Love, Mammy

Mother, if I have inherited anything from you at all, let it be your skill with the run-on sentence.

Oh, and your pistol-wielding dreams.

And your awesomeness.

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