Saturday, February 9, 2008

my state versus the world

Reason #68 Iowa is better than Minnesota: Caucuses.

The Minnesota "vote gathering gathering" was so disorganized that there was no forum for discussion. I'd be amazed if 70% of the voters who showed signed the registration logs that were passed over heads like a crowd-surfer. This blamed on unexpected and overwhelming turnout--this despite the consistent overwhelming turnout in each state that held a caucus or primary which began with Iowa. Iowa adapted and instead of precint captains throwing up their hands when it was evident the crowds wouldn't fit into the designated venues, they took the time to get it right.
Reason #114 Iowa is better than Minnesota: Netflix delivery.

Even though Netflix has a distribution center in Minneapolis, a mere 75 minutes from my home in KatoTown, I get my Netflix movies a day earlier when I'm 4 1/2 hours away in Iowa.

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