Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Atomic Alarm Clock Blues

(Dear reader: impose your own sweet steel guitar lick to the following lyrics and add your best bluesy melody)

got me a fancy alarm clock
that til now's been workin fine
if I had a place to be
you know I'd be there on time

never adjusted for daylight savings
cuz it set itself every night
the box called it atomic
I called it outta sight

but on a dewey sunday mornin
when the world was on un-wind
my clock had lost an hour
and I nearly lost my mind

you know I'm an on-time type of gal
I like pun-tu-al-i-ty
so now I'm stuck with the blues
of un-re-li-a-bil-i-ty

I got the
a - tom - ic
alarm clock blues
--baby, baby---
a - tom - ic
alarm clock blues

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